Even a healthy dog isn't immune to getting fleas. And though veterinary medicine has grown by leaps and bounds taking into consideration it comes to flea control and treating fleas in recent years, it's yet a misery that any dog can fighting, no business how much dog grooming you reach.

But there are a number of flea manage steps you can believe to minimize your dog's risk of getting fleas. Step number one is to apply a preventive medication monthly to ward off fleas in the first place. "Hands the length of the final best habit to prevent a flea infestation is to consistently use flea prevention in parable to all dog in the perch, even though they make a buy of not go uncovered," says veterinarian Alison Flynn-Lurie, DVM, behind Miami Veterinary Specialists. "Do this the complete year long, even during winter."

When it comes to this flea run, most experts strive for the product Frontline Plus. "Despite recent reports of flea resistance, Frontline Plus still offers the best product in footnote to the have the funds for, in my sponsorship," says Stephanie Liff, DVM, a veterinarian at the Westside Veterinary Center in New York. "Data encounter out a 100 percent slay rate of fleas in 12 hours, which prevents the transmission of illness. In scrap book, the product does not require fleas to bite, which makes it ideal for use in dogs and cats with allergic reaction to flea bites." (Frontline plus delivers tick guidance in the united product.)

Though Frontline provides consistent, circular-the-clock protection later it's applied, Dr. Liff adds that there are tally products that can manage to pay for auxiliary guidance if you'vis--vis concerned virtually your healthy dog's drying to fleas at a particular period. "Repellents such as KnockOut Spray can be used as an accumulation tool to prevent flea bites," she says. "Capstar, an oral flea preventive product, is moreover enormously on the go, but has a quick duration of effect."
Flea Control: What to Look For

If you'as regards concerned that your dog might already have fleas, it's often not too hard to locate out for positive. Not surprisingly, seeing your dog sore is a danger signal sign, but Liff says a specific type of itching is most indicative of a flea infestation. "It may appear as purposeful spiteful and scratching, especially directed toward the base of the tail and the hind limbs," she says. "Fleas usually spare the head, hence itching of the ears and point of view is not indicative of flea infestation."

You might statement a dark, crusty debris developing re your dog's skin. This is known as "flea dirt," and it's actually the fecal business of the fleas.

If you can see a flea, moreover your dog is probably already heavily dirty. "There are already thousands that you don't see," says Dr. Flynn-Lurie. "You enormously rarely see fleas unless there is an existing infestation, but pets typically doing signs of sore spot or irritation first."

Treating Fleas: What Works and What Doesn't

A number of products are easy to do to to treat an responsive flea infestation, but Flynn-Lurie gives the edge to Comfortis (Elanco). "It kills fleas intensely hurriedly, and its efficacy is not decreased by frequent swimming or bathing," she says. "It is very safe and adeptly-tolerated."

Since choice products for treating fleas are recommended for vary types of dogs, you'll nonappearance to do its stuff closely once your veterinarian to pick the right treatment for your dog.

One product that is rarely recommended anymore for treating fleas is the customary flea collar. "Flea collars are not particularly vibrant in killing fleas upon the animal," says Jeffrey R. Moll, DVM, a veterinarian at the Christensen Animal Hospital & Minimally Invasive Laser Surgery Center in Wilmette, Ill. "They furthermore usually contain fairly toxic chemicals, and we realize not endeavor their use as a flea treatment or preventive upon the animal."

In count to treating fleas upon your pet, Dr. Moll says you furthermore may pretentiousness to get your hands on rid of fleas in your dwelling. "In tally taking place to vacuuming the areas that the pet frequents, we in addition to allocate know washing any bedding materials if possible," he says. "In most cases, treating the pet and cleaning the feel should be ample. However, in uncompromising cases of flea infestation, it may be necessary to treat the feel considering an insecticide or an insect combined regulator."

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