Ingredients: 6 pieces of fish, garlic paste and teaspoon, tablespoon of chopped onion, cumin powder 1 teaspoon chopped onion 1 tablespoon, teaspoon chilli paste, 1/4 cup takadai, pilau rice 1½ kg, ghee 3 table Spoon 1/4 cup beresatma, cardamom two, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt 5/6, 1 teaspoon caraway water, salt, of the water.

How to create a fish that washed takadai, chilli paste and salt Place the marinated for 15 minutes. Small amounts of oil and butter in hot pan and chop the onion and garlic paste and mild shaking, cumin powder, and salt, and cover them with a little spice kasiye fish. Remove the fish is cooked. The pot of water, bay leaf, cardamom, salt and sugar to a boil. Rice in boiling water. In fact, the level of the fish is cooked rice, chili powder, salt and caraway, with water down the left 10 minutes daily to serve.

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